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Make a Donation Print E-mail

Your monetary donations go a long way in helping the needs of Princeton's community.  We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and your donation is fully deductible.

You can make a cash, check, or credit card donation from the following options:

  • By mail

Simply make your check out to Christ Cares for Princeton and mail it to PO Box 1155, Princeton, TX  75407.

  • By dropping it off

If you like, you can come by the food pantry and drop off a donation in the form of cash or a check.  We would love to show you our ministry.  You may come by the Faith Baptist Church, 1306 N. 6th St., Monday through Thursday, 10 am until noon.  You may also bring your designated cash or check donation to any of the currently supporting Princeton churches and they will see Christ Cares for Princeton receives it.

You don't even need a personal PayPal account.